Criticism is the judgement of the merits and demerits of someone or something..
But unfortunately, it has got a different meaning in the 21st century..
Technically speaking, to criticize does not necessarily mean to find faults..
Today, the word is taken to mean the simple expression of disapproval..
'Insult' would be a more appropriate word in this context..
Dale Carnegie said, "Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain but it takes character and self-control to be understanding".
Books, movies, television shows, automobiles, people..
In-fact, everything is criticized..
In other words, criticism is just a person's perspective about something..
Things start getting ugly when this 'perspective' is adopted by others.. Or rather, publicized in such a creative way that others grasp it..
I feel that every person has a personal opinion on things and that shouldn't be changed..
Let me give an example..
Do you watch a movie which is given low ratings by a critic.?
You would say a 'no' unless you are a die hard fan of the actor/actress..
The funny thing is that people absorb the negative part of the criticism without actually watching the movie..
You could actually like the movie.. But do you give a try.?
Well, the futile human mind takes anything that is fed into it..
Criticism among the members of the same species in nothing new to us..
I refer to humans here as they are they only ones capable of indulging in this pointless activity..
A person speaks, which is misunderstood in a different context by the other and it is then spread like wild fire..
People are not understood, they are assumed..
Thanks to the man's talent of spreading rumours, you are portrayed as a completely different individual to the world..
Completely different from who you are..
It is said that Criticism is a step to success..
Absolutely true..!!
When others are busy assuming who you are, you can do wonders being 'yourself'.. The real 'you'..!!!
Sometimes being different from the crowd or having an 'out of the box' thinking might push you into the web of criticism..
Emmet Fox said, "Criticism is an indirect form of self-boasting".
The problem arises when you start taking this criticism too seriously..
Some go into depression while the over-sensitive lot end up giving their lives..
This is a social issue and everyone has to face it..
India's constitution has given its citizens too much freedom, I believe..
Having a right to speak does not include the right to insult..
I wish, people were more sensible to understand this..