However, human is a social animal and this can never happen..(at least not with me)
Our dislike towards 'farewell' only reminds us of our intricate mutual dependence. Not even the strongest man on the planet can live alone.
Wherever you are, however the situation is, you always want someone to be with you.. understand you.. appreciate you.. Today's youth needs acceptance, which they get neither from their parents nor lecturers.
Life had lost its purpose.. People around him were only a bunch of back-stabbers.. The ones who were very close had begun to avoid him.. 'Friends' was a word only in the virtual world of Facebook..
But life changes for a reason.. This person who had been rejected everywhere had been accepted by someone..
This life-less soul got to know many things which he never knew about himself.. Life had finally begun to untangle itself..
Could one person actually change him.??
Could he/she teach him what life is.??
Could he/she teach him how to love.??
YES.!!! YES.!!! That person did it..
Something people had been trying to decode since a decade was accomplished within 20 days..
The gears were shifting at an unmatched speed.. He did not know how to react but still enjoyed the change as it came..
However there was fear of detachment.. But as they say, "the show must go on".
Some people enter your life as a breeze and cause a tornado..
This guy was introduced to one such person..
This guy was introduced to one such person..
And the events that followed were destined to occur..
The friendly interactions.. The fun they had.. The naughty jokes..
These events were intense and as every beginning has an ending, it had to end some day..(Although this guy never wanted that day to come)
One thing in life that hurts more than anything is bidding farewell to a person with whom you are very attached..
All the memories appeared as a flash-back..
The good thing about a camera is that it can capture moments.. The bad thing- it cannot capture human emotions..
As the finale came closer, there was nervousness.. a sense of insecurity.. But on the contrary there was also happiness of spending time with an amazing human being.. And being a part of their life..
This was indeed not an end but the beginning of a new chapter in life.. His favourite chapter.!!!
Someone he had met a fortnight ago, had become a 'special one'..
The day came sooner than he had had expected..
All the time that he had spent with the 'special one' flashed before his moist eyes..
He was angry with the creator.. And asked- "why do people get attached.?"... "why aren't all the people as good as the 'special one'.?"... "why does time fly so fast.?"...
Although he knew that he would not get an answer, he still made an attempt but it went in vain..
He was scared.. Scared of what would happen when they were apart.. Whether he would be able to successfully control his emotions..
Though the answers were not given, he managed to figure out the kind of impact it had on life..
The 'special one' once said, "Everything happens for good."
The type of adventure associated with the Good-bye made it further special..
It could prove only one thing- A person can go to any extent for his/her loved ones.. And given the fact that it was the final 'real' interaction, even the impossible could be made possible..
And then, it was over.. A tight hug followed by flooding of the tear glands..
And they bid farewell with a promise of keeping in touch till their last breath..
A miserable feeling of loneliness engulfed him.. The world appeared colorless.. The cruel world was awaiting him.. But then, he thanked Mr. Zukerberg for the wonderful creation called Facebook..
Life is cruel at times.. One has to learn to move on..
People come and people go but the memories associated with some 'special ones' stay with us forever..
"You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself along"..