It changes with every situation and priority..
"Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up, as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it"
This quote by Fyodor Dostoevsky, always gives me a ray of hope during the time of emotional turmoil..
Well.. For a moment it feels good..
I can say 'happiness' is just another word for contentment..
Or a distraction from Human tragedy..
It is always there with us.. You need to find it..
You may not find contentment in everything in the world.. But when you dig into it, there is always some joy.. Its hidden..!!
M.K Gandhi said, "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony"..
This looks complicated and difficult, isn't it.?
In reality, it is not..
Follow it for a day and feel the amount of satisfaction you get..
I'll share a few instances of happiness........
You speak with a friend after a long time..the days you had spend together.. the pranks.. the madness..
For my perverted friends, finding a beautiful girl would be something to be happy about.. I mean the crazy kind of happiness(You know what I mean)..
When you miss someone and they call/text you..
When you are in deep trouble and all of a sudden its solved..
You study only half the syllabus and your question booklet has them..
During your examination, a lenient invigilator comes in(That would be a jackpot for most of us)..
Happiness, according to me is the most sophisticated human emotion..
Which gets more annoying as you grow up..
Little babies, if you've noticed, have only two emotions..
Happiness and sadness..
And the 'sadness' is not because of their extravagance but because of their needs..
They are pure.. Unadulterated lot..
As they grow up, they learn the ways of life.. the luxuries.. Imitating others..
And the contentment is gone.!!!!
This is when the simple pleasures of life mean nothing to them..
Life is short and unpredictable..
Live every bit of it.. Don't worry about the future.. Stop thinking of the events in the past..
Live today.. Live now..
Live today.. Live now..
Be happy and make others happy..
Spread joy......!!!
The world would be a better place to live...
"Nobody really cares if you are miserable, so you might as well be happy" ~Cynthia Nelms
"Nobody really cares if you are miserable, so you might as well be happy" ~Cynthia Nelms