Every beginning has an ending..
Life is no different..
A person has to depart some day.. That is the reason, we are called 'mortal'..
"Life & death are two faces of a coin, whose probability cannot be determined.."
It just happens.. You don't have control over it..
It is your destiny..
You are born when you had to.. You die when you have to..
All the incidents are pre-scheduled in the Calender of Life.. You just wait for them to happen.. Good or Bad..
In the journey called life, you come across many people.. Some stay with you, some leave and some are stolen away..
There is no reason for such happenings(at-least I have not found any).. It just happens..
An incident in life changes you so much and you are no longer the same person, you were before..
The same things in life, appear different to you.. The happiness fades away.. And you are left in a gloomy world..
You go into a shell and never want to come out of it..
(All this might sound like a scene from a Bollywood movie to you, but this is how exactly it feels like..)
Your favourite song feels irritating and you begin listening to the music, you once thought boring and for the older generation..
The mind thinks in an unusual way.. You lose the analytic approach to the happenings around..
You are left in despair.. And all you can do, is blame it on your stars.. In short "destiny"..
Your astrologer will give you a better insight into this..
Sometimes, losing a person who was once the most important part of your life, is a reason..
(NO.!! I din't have a break up.. many of you would be thinking this as a reason for writing this blog)..
Sometimes, its your end, that is a reason..
But again, you are reminded of 'destiny'..
It happens when it has to..
You just need to move on.. Or let the others move on.. But in either case, you go through the same amount of emotional suffering..
All the days you spent together appear before your eyes and you can't do anything about it..
You are there every moment watching it.. helpless.!!!
The end is inevitable.. Science has only been able to postpone it by a few days..months..or years..
Every religious scripture has a mention of 'death'.. And its said that, its a way to reach god.!!
Well.. i don't think so..
Its just a way to leave all the lovable people you met on earth.. And who knows after that..
So, take life as it comes..
Don't blame things on others- they were bound to happen, no matter how hard you try to prevent their occurring..
Enjoy every bit of the short span you spend in the 'world of mortals'..
dude very gud one totally true n i agree with ur words.. n lol.. dat was funny( i not writing bcoz i broke up with someone) :P