On 26th November, 2008 an international terrorist group send 10 terrorists to India's biggest City and commercial capital, Mumbai..
Their mission was to kill and kill indiscriminately..
They split into groups and went to the most popular locations in the city..
The first was Leopold Cafe, a tourist spot..
The cafe was bombed followed by endless firing till everyone was dead..
VST, a railway station was their second target..
The duo fired mercilessly at innocents.. Ajmal Kasab was one of them.. Parents were killed before their children.. Husbands before their wives..
There was blood all around and cries of helplessness..
The policemen deployed by Railway Security there had no option than to run away considering the fact that their only weapons were obsolete rifles and pistols, which were in no comparison with the terrorists' assault rifles...
The Trident Oberoi, which is among the best hotels in the country was not spared too..
The Taj Palace & tower was soon followed up with..
They began killing anybody in their sight..
Nariman Point, a Jewish centre was their next destination..
Innocent people were killed on the name of God.. To attain salvation.. To die as a martyr and not as a common man..
10 armed men took over the entire city in a few minutes..
The terror continued for about 3 days..
This incident shook the entire world..
170 were killed and over 300 injured in this attack..
This was not an attack on India or Mumbai.. This was an attack on humanity..
Could this have been averted.?
India had Intelligence reports of an attack of this scale in advance, but they did not bother to alert any security agency..
No additional security was deployed at Airports or Railway terminals..
Is our police force well trained to handle these kind of attacks..?
Is the weaponry enough against assault rifles and AK47's..?
Are the politicians too self-obsessed that they don't care for the common man..?
When will public be given enough security.?
When will the agencies get over the "chalta hai yaar" attitude.?
Its 2011.. Three years since the attack.. And our terrorist guest still enjoys a life of luxury..
Does the Indian custom of "atithi devo bhava"(the guest is god) being followed in case of a National criminal too.?
16 crore INR has been spent on him so far..
Will he ever be hanged.?
Will the victims get justice.?
Is India waiting for another incident to happen.?
Many questions to be answered..
The pain remains deep in every Indian's heart.. Thoughts and prayers to all those who lost a loved one..
real good one