"A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life"
We all have read or heard this quote by James Allen, but have we actually understood it.?
And if someone says he/she did, have they followed it.?
The events in your life and the decisions you make design the course of your life..
It all comes down to the creativity of your mind..
Your mind creates events, which may or may not happen..
There might be no reality associated with it..
Your mind creates a virtual world around you, a work of your imagination..
Here are a few tips which will prevent you from screwing up your life...
- Don't worry about your personality: 'personality' is a concept invented by your mind..
Personality is a word for the impression that you give through words.. You have a unique 'personality'..
The good or bad personality actually never exists in reality..
It is just a comparison with someone the person feels compatible with.. Personality has no universal definition.!!! - Don't be concerned that your life isn't going as planned: the closer you stick to a plan, the quicker you will go away..
The world constantly changes.. Your analysis of the situation during the creation of the plan would be of no use a few days or months later..
If you are desperate to have a plan, keep making amendments according to the current scenario.. - Stop being concerned about what others say about you: events or people are simply events or people.. They can't make you anything(neither good nor bad)..
You are the only one having control over your life..
Whatever emotions arise in you are a result of an external stimulus.. They are powerless unless you decide to get carried away by them.. - Stop feeling guilty: guilt changes nothing..
It might make you feel that you are claiming responsibility, but it can't produce anything new in your life..
If you feel guilty about something you've done, change it or accept that you have screwed up..
Do you have any other option.?
And if you are guilty about what someone else did, you are insane.. Consult a psychiatrist.!! - Stop criticizing yourself: stop judging yourself based on your deeds.. It will only make you feel worse..
Whatever you do, someone else will always do better..
It makes no point in comparing yourself with others..
There are people better than you and also worse than you..
Accept this fact.!!
Judging others is foolish since you cannot know all the facts and cannot create a reliable scale.. - Stop expecting: its human tendency to expect things from people close to them..And often it all ends up in disappointment..Others fail to meet your expectation and its you who suffers from the mental trauma..
Follow these tips and you will never face a 'depression' or that phase of 'ultimate sadness' in your life..
niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)